National Waste Consultants, LLC
National Waste Consultants provide recycling solutions while expanding its capability to effectively
serve the full spectrum of recycling needs of local and national business and municipalities.
In so doing, National Waste Consultants, LLC will expand awareness, employment opportunities and
motivation for recycling in the communities we serve.
Our primary goal is to make bulky item recycling so convenient and easy that nothing with recycling value gets
thrown into the landfill.
Mission Statement:
National Waste Consultants, LLC is a progressive enterprise providing continuous expanding services in the recycling
industry. We are dedicated to providing our customers competitive rates and exceptional service in a professional
Headquartered in Kansas City, MO we have operations located in St. Louis, MO.; Chicago, IL.; Des Moines, IA; and Dallas, TX.
With our national contacts we can also assist smaller recycling organizations to maximize their revenue streams and
impact their communities recycling efforts. If you are interested in our assistance, please fill out the form on the contact page.

Make bulky item recycling so convenient and easy that nothing with recycling value gets
thrown into the landfill.
Provide strategic planning, research, education and technical assistance in the removal of large bulky items from the waste
stream to the public, businesses and local governments.
Maximize bulky waste recycling and economic development opportunities.
Serve as a pro-active public policy advocate for long term solutions to our challenges.
Partner with organizations with compatible goals.